Not My Jam!

Not My Jam!

Work out so you can pig out. I meet a lot of people who live by this motto and I’m here to tell you…you don’t have to do it this way!! Ok, working out is great for your body and all, but working out so you can pig out isn’t going to get you the...
Quick & Easy Foods

Quick & Easy Foods

Our family is on the go all the time.  While I do cook frequently, I am constantly looking for food products that are not only quick & easy, but fit in with my Champion Powered Food Plan as well.  When I first began my journey with food in 1998,...
Making New Commitments To Keep My Health Goals

Making New Commitments To Keep My Health Goals

I’m Officially Unstuck! I noticed that I am sitting at my desk more that ever before since I started writing my first book about a month ago. My inactivity just hit me today! It made me think about some new habits that I need to create for myself to stay on track with...

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