Happy New Year! As we flow into another year, the certified life coach in me is begging to get into action with clients.
This month, my blog posts will be all about taking new actions to build better health habits.
If there’s one thing that working in the wellness industry for over a decade has taught me, it’s that it’s virtually impossible to make permanent changes to our health habits if we are unhappy. I know that for me, the aspect of my life that most impacts my mental well-being is loving the work I do EVERY DAY.
First of all, I am an entrepreneur, and nothing brings me more joy than to have an idea and bring it to fruition from start to finish. Second, I impact people’s lives every day of my work. Coaching people into their own greatness, both physically and mentally, is not only what I am meant to be doing, but meaningful on a large scale.
For example, I was in New York a few months ago, along with some amazing athletes like Theo Fleury (ice hockey), Amanda Beard (swimming), Tyler Hamilton (cycling), Marc Stcherbina (rugby), and Eric Kussin, the founder of the newly formed Global Mental Health Alliance, to participate in the launch for the alliance. We are dedicated to giving people challenged with mental health imbalances information and access to alternative treatments to pills.
I am immensely moved and inspired when a client who has been seen by the leading medical practitioners in this country makes a change and gets his or her life back because of our work together.
I cannot imagine dreading going to work every day, which seems to be a common thread in the lives of many people l know. This blog is a plea from me to you to make this year different!
Let this be the year in which you create the life you dream about having “one day.” Make one day, TODAY!
Whether it’s your health, your work, your sport, and/or your family, make THIS YEAR the one in which you take action.
You CAN have a life you love, a job you love, and the relationships you crave.
Below you will find several journal prompts to help you get clear on what is and isn’t working in your job, as well as some actions to take this week to start creating better habits.
2018 “Get Into Action” Journal Prompts
If you aren’t happy – if you aren’t doing what you love – true health and vitality will elude you.
Consider the following questions to spark those mental juices:
What about your job doesn’t work for you?
- The profession itself?
- The work environment?
- The hours?
- The commute?
If you aren’t clear about what ISN’T working, you can’t create what you really want.
Did you have a dream job when you were a child?
What made you give up on that idea?
What do you give away for free to your friends that brings you joy?
(This may be relationship advice, organizational help, life coaching, etc.)
Typically, what we give away for free is what we are most passionate about, inspires us, and brings us joy.
If you knew this was your last year on this earth, what would you do differently with your life?
Actions to Take This Week
List ten things that you WILL commit to doing this year.
As soon as you complete your list, put these things in your schedule and make an unwavering commitment to yourself to do them.
Create a vision board that represents your goals, dreams, and desires for the new year.
A vision board is a visual representation of the things you desire in your life. Cut out and paste pictures that inspire and motivate you to your greatness. Keep the board where you can see it every day.
I wish you an AMAZING new year in which you have the courage and drive to DO WHAT YOU LOVE!